Mobile Seed Conveyor automation and control solutions

Streamline Your Agricultural Operations with Mobile Seed Conveyor Automation

Preserving the quality of the grain post-harvest is challenging. Once harvested, the grains are exposed to contaminants and impurities which present a high risk of the grains being spoiled and damaged. In addition, many types of grain are highly susceptible to damage when being moved due to poor handling.

Belt conveyors are an ideal tool for grain handling due to their capacity to move large volumes at high speed, whilst handling grain gently and minimising grain damage.

Mobile seed conveyor remote control solution
agfields mobile seed conveyor

AgField’s Mobile Seed Conveyor system is a combination of a custom Puma system (Transmitter and Receiver) and the PLC. The operator is able to fully control the system from the transmitter.

To ensure the conveyor system is able to handle materials safely and efficiently the system is configured to:

  • Diagnose and display any system faults or errors.
  • Set a custom flow rate, ensuring different materials are handled with care.
  • Give control of sections (e.g. Section 1 consists of bins 1-3 & Section 2: bins 4-6)
T26 Puma Transmitter
R20 Puma Receiver
EPEC 3610 Control Unit
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Contact us for reliable and customisable mobile seed conveyor automation solutions. Enhance your farming productivity now!

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